Friday, March 17, 2006

A new PB!

Oh, one funny little thing. I counted up that there are exactly 17 significant road crossings between work and home where you can be potentially stopped. Plus a few smaller ones that you can usually get through, but occasionally they will get you. Sometimes it feels like I get them all red. But this morning I only had to stop, get this, twice!  It was pretty amazing. Once was at Nishi Azabu crossing, which is understandable. The other was at that stupid little road that runs through Aoyama Cemetery. I had to sprint to catch a  couple of greens and confess I jay-ran a couple of reds on smaller streets. Anyway, I think it is a PB that will take a lot of beating.


2P said...

Good to see you score a PB - you should get some bling LOL

You also need to trade one of those boys in for a teenage daughter - I must confess if not for her my vocabulary would be a couple of decades out of date.

Bling is the shiney jewelery so favoured by rap artists and has become associated with any kind of shiney coveted article ;-)

Ewen said...

What's a traffic light? In Canberra we just have to worry about which pedestrian underpass to use.