Monday, September 18, 2006

Finally Topped 30 km

It has been many long months since I ran 30 km. And while there were a couple of short stoppages, yesterday I clocked up 31.6 km, mostly in Yoyogi park.

I had set Satohi a 20-km marathon pace run (4:40/km). She turned up and we did two warm up laps (5km) together and then set about the pace run. I wasn't ready to do the whole thing, but I ran the first five of her ten laps with her. We did OK, but the real hard work lay ahead for her when I pulled up. I wonder how she got on...

I ran another 5 or 6 km and finished feeling in pretty reasonable shape. A big contrast with last week was that it was only 22 degrees yesterday and felt cool and comfortable (if still a little humid). What a difference a mere 5 degrees makes.

And the weekly total, drum roll please, 89.6 km!!  What did I say about missing that run on Friday?  A bit more consistency this week should see me nudge 100 km.


2P said...

About time you bludger ;-)

Hehehe well done Steve I'm always in awe of your weekly totals - great work mate.

Clairie said...

A whole post without so much as a comment about your pains...I take that as a good sign that your back and legs are feeling okay with the long run. Fabulous!

zihuatanejo said...

Thanks mate, your coaching was really helpful. I absolutely appreciate your support. Thank you again.

Rachel said...

Great run there Steve.
It's good when the temperature is right. 27 degrees would have been hard work!

Ewen said...

I dream of getting 89.6k in a month!

24 degrees in Canberra today - we beat you :)