Monday, April 03, 2006

Some images of the Ome trail race

Linked from the race web site: The course map shows a 600 m change in elevation over the 15-km. It was like three steps forward two back to get there though. The second photo shows the shrine at the turnaround. The photo of the people coming downhill looks like one of the more sedate sections. I'm sore as hell today, but you know, I think I am looking forward to trying one of these again!


2P said...

Great pics - love the elevation profile, that is some climb from 12k to 14k.

Only 11 months left to plan your assault on Six Foot Track '07 ;-)

Stephen Lacey said...

Yes, it certainly was. In fact the vertical extent there, what with the descent before it, makes all the nasty little ups and downs from zero to 10 k seem innocuous. They were not.

Six foot is very appealing, but I don't think I'd attempt it unless I was living back there though. Too hard to get time off and certainly very hard to get in the specific training, unless I move out to Ome!!

Katie said...

Great photos!!! That second one looks scary... I would take a face plant for sure!!