Thursday, November 15, 2007

An appeal to Queenslanders

As you know I very occasionally depart from the usual patter about distances, pace, and what bit hurts most at the moment to have a little rant about politics.

This time, political though the message is, it is a very simple one targeted purely at my handful of Queensland readers. Anyone else who reads on is just being a stickybeak, but don't let that stop you...well, no, if you know a Queenslander and think you can influence their vote on November 24th, then you might want to read on...

From the last year or so of following his blog, I have formed the opinion that there is but one truly "good guy" in Australian politics. I am sure there are others, but this one, through his blog, lets you see what he thinks, what he believes in, and what he does about it in his day to day political life. Thus you can actually know he is genuine and a person rather than just another drone following the party line. And generally speaking, what distinguishes him most is his compassion and concern for people, especially the oppressed and disadvantaged. He is Queensland Democrat Andrew Bartlett.

And the problem is, Andrew's prospects for being returned at the upcoming election are looking a little shaky.

While I am nominally a pretty much welded-on Labor voter, the thought of Andrew losing his seat in the senate fills me with dread. I also think that the current parliamentary makeup is evidence that we really shouldn't let either of the major parties have full control of both houses. The best way to achieve this is to have a reasonable size block of sensible, intelligent, free-thinking Senators holding the balance of power. Generally speaking, the Democrats are perfect for this role. They are not spoilers and will allow the government to govern, but will treat any proposed new laws on their merits and subject them to thorough and thoughtful analysis.

Anyway, what I am asking of all Queensland readers, if you haven't yet thought about your vote in the Senate, is to please have a look at Andrew's blog, and if you find that you have sympathy with his ideals and objectives, make sure you not only vote for him, but try to suggest the value of voting for him to as many of your Queensland friends as you can. Andrew deserves to be re-elected. Australia needs better checks and balances in the Upper House than we currently have. Please tell your friends and ask them to tell their friends.

Vote 1 Democrats in the Senate

Thanks for your time.


Ewen said...

Sorry Steve, but I don't come from where Tesso and Clairie come from...

Hey, you need to sack Joachim as a training partner. Don't do the first 5k of your marathon like that!

Congrats on breaking though the 70kg barrier ;)

Joachim said...

Yes, Steve was on track last Wednesday and for me it was just as always. Not a single km close to goal pace ;-)
Last year I won the price for beeing the worst runner in our club back in Berlin for estimating a given pace...
and failing to run it!!!

Samurai Running said...

Glad to see you're appealing to Queenslanders Stephen. I've always found you attractive as well ;)

Sorry just being just being a stickybeak.

Clairie said...


Being at home with the news every hour and actually following the election campaign this time I am having a lot of thoughts - and doubts about our lovely polititians here in QLD/Aust.

Thanks for the blog link.

Tesso said...

Thanks Steve.

You seem to be taking more interest in the election than most people here. Maybe we are just so sick of the sledging match ... whoops .... campaign. I'll definitely have a good read of it.

Oh, and you might like this -

Happy running!

From a fellow True Believer :-)

Tesso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You are in good shape, you should go for the PB. No sense targeting 2:56 or even 2:58. If you are that close, you might as well go for it. Aim for 2:54.