Thursday, September 29, 2005

Thurs Croooze

Run type: 4 x 1600m cruise intervals + lower aerobic
Distance: 17.4 km
Average pace: 4:38 min/km
Heart rate: Mostly below 140, up to 165
Weather: 18 degrees & fine

I was feeling a bit run down yesterday, almost like I had a cold coming on. Popped some vitamin C and echinacea last night and woke up feeling OK but sleepy. My head said, "But what would it matter if we don't run today?" I fought that one off and managed to get out and on the road by 5:20.

It seemed like my heart rate was marginally higher than normal. Or was I just running faster? Perhaps a little of both.

The 1600 m cruise intervals went fairly well. The first was a little slow at 6:13, even though it felt hard. Then the next ones were 6:08, 6:06, and 6:02. Heart rate got up to 163 or at most 165 towards the end of each rep.

Ran home in the high 130s HR, 4:50/km. A pretty good workout.

1 comment:

mika t. said...

Hi Steve, you seem to run so well.
I totally sympathize with what your head said. It matters, but we all want to believe it doen't, sometimes... Gambaro.